Welcome to Adventures in Mama-Land

I set up this blog to share ideas and experiences in Mama-Land with my other mama friends.

My parenting philosophy is that children need to be active participants in their learning - involving all 5 senses as much as possible, and that toys and learning experiences need to be kid-powered (as opposed to passively watching something play in front of them or on a screen).

With my 18-month old son (Wee Man), and a friend's 20-month old daughter (Little A) joining us during the week, I am enjoying being a kid again and experiencing all the little joys in life. Welcome to my corner of Mama-Land!

Monday 28 May 2012

More silly things my kid says....

With 3 jobs and the sun shining brightly most days lately I have really fallen by the wayside with the whole blogging thing. The kids and I are getting out pretty much every day and it's fun to see them really getting adventurous at the playgrounds and during our outings! I have to admit I would much rather be sitting down with a cup of tea and a book than in front of the computer during the short breaks I get while the kids nap (after all of my chores and 'to do's are completed), so this is a long-overdue posting!

In keeping with the original intent of this blog, I am writing down another chapter of 'silly things Wee Man says':

  • A while back we were out to dinner at a local restaurant with some of the family, and Wee Man was getting a little antsy while waiting for our dinner to be served. I grabbed the drink menu off of the edge of the table and gave it to him as something to flip through. This particular menu was a small book, complete with pictures as well as drink descriptions. He was flipping through looking at it and stopped on a page with a glass of wine and an image of a wine bottle. He looked at it seriously for about 30 seconds and then looked up at us and said, "Grannie juice!". We almost fell over laughing! Anyone who knows my mom knows that she enjoys her wine, and usually when we go over to their house for dinner she has a glass in hand. Obviously Wee Man has been paying attention! As he continued flipping through the pages and stopped at a page with an image of a couple of bottles of beer to which he pointed and said "Daddy juice". Again we had a good chuckle.....and yes, my husband does enjoy a bottle of beer now and then, and rarely drinks it out of a glass!

  • As all parents of toddlers know, the streak of independence and testing the waters that occurs around the age of one and a half to three or so can be a challenge, as well as a blessing. Wee Man has been exerting that streak more and more lately and is starting to understand the purpose of the "naughty corner" and other disciplinary measures taken in our home. One of these measures is a firm verbal "stop it" from Daddy when he starts acting up in one way or another. But lately we've been hearing him scolding himself when he knows he's doing something he shouldn't be and we haven't caught him yet. The other day he threw something hard at the wall while I had my back turned and I heard "Stop It!" (in that same tone that my husband uses) out of his mouth immediately following the thump. I had to chuckle.

  • Music is a big part of our home. We all love to sing and have fairly eclectic tastes in what we listen to. My husband also plays guitar and brings that out to have Wee Man help him play (he does the chords and Wee Man strums the strings) some evenings. So it's only natural that Wee Man has a strong interest in anything to do with music and has starting picking up songs himself. Seriously the cutest thing ever. He recognizes some of our favourite artists, and (melt my heart) can recognize a Michael Jackson song from the first few beats! We were in a store a few weeks back and a Michael Jackson tune came on over the intercom system. He stopped in his tracks looked around and said, "Mama....Mike-o Jackson" and then started busting out the dance moves! It was awesome. He's also been singing his own versions of some nursery rhymes as of late. Some of my favourites:
    • "Baa baa back sheep. Yes sir, yes sir free bags fuuuw. One, one, one....baa baa back sheep".
    • "Tinkle tinkle staaaaar. Up so high. Dime on Skyyyyy. Tinkle staaaaar."
    • (And the theme song from his new favourite show: Franklin and Friends) "Franklin Franklin....doo doo doo. Franklin Friends. My House. Doo Doo Doo".

  • In our house we often take turns cooking dinner. Whoever is heading the meal that night usually has everything planned and organized, but we often will ask each other "can I do something for you?" to help with the preparation. And often asking that question will get you some sort of a task to help out. The other evening while I was at work and the boys were at home together my husband said he was leaning down looking into our pantry cupboard for a snack and he heard Wee Man come up behind him. Wee Man looked at him and said "can I do something?" Always the little helper....haha! I thought that was such a cute little story.

  • In our city you know it's finally Spring/Summer by the amount of dandelions on all the lawns and city green spaces. Keeping up with them in our own yard is a full time job - especially now since the city no longer sprays for them. Wee Man seems to think that all these "flowers" everywhere are very exciting, but the cutest thing is his name for them: "Daddy-lions"!

1 comment:

  1. All of these stories made me laugh. I especially love how he tells himself to "Stop It." hahaha
