Welcome to Adventures in Mama-Land

I set up this blog to share ideas and experiences in Mama-Land with my other mama friends.

My parenting philosophy is that children need to be active participants in their learning - involving all 5 senses as much as possible, and that toys and learning experiences need to be kid-powered (as opposed to passively watching something play in front of them or on a screen).

With my 18-month old son (Wee Man), and a friend's 20-month old daughter (Little A) joining us during the week, I am enjoying being a kid again and experiencing all the little joys in life. Welcome to my corner of Mama-Land!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Rainy Day Fun!

It's been quite some time since I last posted. Life has been whizzing by at an alarming pace - I'm in disbelief it's already May 1st today. How is that possible?! I swear I was just turning over my calendar to 2012 a few weeks ago....
The weather has been nice lately, so the kids and I have been outside as much as possible - exploring the parks and playgrounds around the neighbourhood; throwing rocks in the river, watching the ducks and geese once again make our river-side paths their summer home, digging in the dirt in the as-yet-unplanted flower bed and pots, and exploring the exciting activity of sidewalk chalk art!

But this week it is cold, rainy and miserable outside, and so I am back trying to find fun and entertaining indoor activities that will keep the fighting and poor behaviour to a minimum. I have recently discovered Pinterest and created a couple of board for things for Wee Man and Crafts for the kids (and me!) to do on those days when we just can't be outside. (If you're on Pinterest, feel free to check me out at: www.pinterest.com/amandahang)

One such activity was one I found a while ago  - coloured vinegar & baking soda! While the science aspect of the activity was lost on two under two, they still had a blast with the activity and it kept us all busy for about half an hour or so this morning!

Here is my photo diary of our activity:

Getting all set up - containers with baking soda and others with food colouring tinted vinegar. I used the droppers that come with the baby Tylenol (I know I kept them around for a good reason!) Regular eye droppers would work too.

The droppers were tricky for them to get at first. Little A caught on after I showed her a couple of times how to squeeze the top portion of the dropper once to fill and then again to release. The concept was lost on Wee Man. I would fill it up for him and he would then squeeze it out into his baking soda. That was good fun! (Little A soon realized I was doing most of the work for Wee Man and started requesting "help", too!)

Getting right into it! Note Wee Man "painting" with his dropper as I spend time snapping some photos.

Wee Man quickly discovers that putting baking soda in the vinegar (rather than the other way around) makes the biggest bubbles!!

...and so we move onto spoons - the kids loved watching the bubbles rise all the way up to the rim with the first few spoonfuls of baking soda!

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