Welcome to Adventures in Mama-Land

I set up this blog to share ideas and experiences in Mama-Land with my other mama friends.

My parenting philosophy is that children need to be active participants in their learning - involving all 5 senses as much as possible, and that toys and learning experiences need to be kid-powered (as opposed to passively watching something play in front of them or on a screen).

With my 18-month old son (Wee Man), and a friend's 20-month old daughter (Little A) joining us during the week, I am enjoying being a kid again and experiencing all the little joys in life. Welcome to my corner of Mama-Land!

Saturday 14 January 2012

A new workout...

Prior to the wee man arriving into our lives I was an avid runner. I'd probably go out at least 4 times a week through most of the year and do between 2 and 5km each time. I really enjoyed it - running was my stress release, my "me time", something to clear my mind, get my creative juices flowing and kept me fit, healthy and happy. I was fortunate enough to have a relatively healthy pregnancy, and while running soon became completely impossible with my particular pregnancy (lower back pain/strain quickly became a regular thing with any high-impact exercise); I was able to walk several kms almost every single day including the day before wee man was born (some of those final walks got some pretty freaky looking stares from passersby who I'm sure thought I was going to go into labour in the middle of the paths)!

I was one of those people that said, "as soon as I get the clear from the doctor, I'm going to be back out there running again!". Originally I thought that by October/November I'd be back out doing little runs (wee man is an August baby), and by the following Spring my regular routine would be back. How wrong was I!? 17 months later I still haven't gotten the all-clear from the doctor (I suffered a pelvic prolapse with wee man's birth and had over 6 months of pelvic physiotherapy resulting in the likelihood of me ever running again down to zilch without surgery) and so I'm struggling to find a workout regimen that is both free (I'm cheap, broke and refuse to pay those ridiculous gym membership fees & then childcare on top of it!), and something that gives me that same euphoric feeling that tieing on a pair of runners and hitting the paths around my home did!

Let me start with saying I hate working out indoors - loath it, in fact. I'm not a treadmill, stationary bike, yoga, or aerobics fan. I don't like gyms. I'm not opposed to doing some of those activities from time to time (and have also been known to use indoor tracks from time to time on those freezing winter weeks), but staying put in one place just bores me to death. After about 15 minutes on a treadmill or stationary bike I can't handle it anymore and typically have to force myself to complete a workout; usually resulting in a quick 30 minute workout and then abandoning the idea until it's nice enough to get back out on the paths.

Last winter we bought the Wii Fit thinking maybe it would be something for me to do to begin getting back into working out. I don't love it, but it does get me moving (a bit) - I still can't really find an activity that makes me break a sweat though. However, this past week I got back on it - dusting off about 6 months worth of dust - and decided I am going to do at least 30 minutes on it 5-6 days a week and then do some exercises from my physiotherapist, weights, and such to make up a 60 minute daily workout.

Yesterday wee man decided he wasn't going to have a morning nap, so I invited him to join me in the latter part of my routine after listening to him call to me from his crib while I did my Wii Fit activities. Well, I might as well have not even bothered working out.....I spent almost the entire time bent over laughing out loud at his silliness! From the eyes of a 17-month-old, this is what the final part of my work out looks like:

~ Push Ups: Get on all 4s (don't judge - I don't have the strength back yet to do a "proper" push-up, so I do the cheaty version of having my knees down), place your face to the yoga mat and blow raspberries (zerberts, for any Cosby fans out there!). Pause after about 2 zerberts and look up and breathe out very loudly....maybe make another zerbert in the air. Repeat.
(I did about 5 push ups and then was laying on my side laughing watching him. Very ineffective for working the arms! Also, the yoga mat I was using was covered in spit....yuck! haha)

~ Sit ups: Lay on your back and stick your legs straight up in the air (I honestly don't do this!) - kick or pump your legs and occasionally grunt. (My sit up count was about 10. I couldn't stop laughing...which of course made him continue all the more....he was very proud of his beautiful sit ups!)

~ I have a physio exercise in which I have a thera-band tied around my upper thighs and have to walk sideways back and forth for about 4 minutes. (Supposed to work your hip flexers. Hurts like hell, but very effective!). Wee man's version was: Take a string (ours is from a kitty toy) and put it around your waist, if it falls move it to your shoulders. Run very fast back and forth but turn your head sideways -- avoid the walls when possible, ricochet off on occasion --- laugh continuously. Once in a while try walking sideways. Fall down. Repeat.

...the weights he wasn't all that interested in. Did more push ups...those get a good laugh!

So while my workouts aren't what they once were, and I have resigned myself to the fact that I will never again have that cute, tight little body that I once did, I guess I have discovered that there are more important things in life that also make me very happy! I will have to find another method of working out that will help me get back into a shape that will be the new "me" and make me feel happy, healthy and comfortable in this new body that motherhood has given me.  I'm thinking that this Spring I may venture into trying something new like in line skating or cycling (I know how to cycle, I just don't do it very often), or perhaps power walking. For now I'll continue with my Wii Fit and physio exercises.

...and also I think that I need to workout when my child is sleeping! ;-)

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